
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Throw-back Thursday

Something I wrote six or so years ago on my other blog seemed apt to today--Boxing Day in some places, Exchanging Unwanted Gifts Day in others.  I'm sad not to be seeing Grandma Jackie for Christmas, but I'm thinking of her.

My grandmother is the queen of gift closets.


All of her closets are stuffed to bursting, and it’s mostly with stuff for other people.

She shops daily.  Well, she goes to Mass daily, and after Mass, she goes to the store.  (She’s said to me a couple of times, “Sarah, I go to mass every day, and then I go shopping.  It’s what keeps me alive.”  I like that she knows that the Body and Blood of Christ are her daily sustenance, and I don’t think Jesus particularly minds that her Thanksgiving After the Eucharist always involves Boscov’s.)

Anyway, she shops daily (after Mass), and so if something goes on sale anywhere in the town of [Her Town], Pennsylvania, she’ll find it.  And she’ll find it before you do.  And if it’s a good enough sale (like, less than 10% of the original price), she’ll buy it.

She knows people who are a size 2 and people who are a size 22.  She knows people who have babies and people who have teens.  She knows people who need sofas and people who need reading glasses.

There is no object for sale in any store that she cannot attach to a need–real or imagined, potential or actual–of someone she knows.  So, she buys it.

If you ever go to visit her, you’ll leave with gifts.  She’ll say, “This is your birthday present–I’ve been saving it for you.”  Even if your birthday was six months ago, and she just bought it yesterday.  Or, “This is for you for Christmas–I’ll just give it to you now, though.”  Even if it’s September, and you’ll see her three more times before Christmas.  Or, “Here, take this and give it to your sister next time you see her.”  Even if your sister was just there and got her own trunkload of gifts.

Now, she may or may not have even been thinking of you when she bought it.  She probably wasn’t thinking anything other than “Three dollars!!  Score!!”  But if you come to her house, you won’t leave it without a gift from her closets.  Because she always has something, and so she always has something to give away. 

And so she always gives things away.

She’s not just the queen of gift closets.  She’s the queen of giving, really.

So, it makes me happy to have a gift closet.  Maybe when I’m eighty, mine will be big and filled with things I bought right after receiving my daily dose of Christ’s Body and Blood.  And maybe nobody will leave my home without something I had, just for them.  Maybe I’ll realize that I always have plenty, and so I always have plenty to give away.

Maybe I’ll get to be as good at giving things away as she is.

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